Oct. 13 - 2018
We went hawking - basically looking for raptors in the sky. We made three pull-overs. One for just a minute or three, overlooking Puget Sound, and about 10 minutes on another location observing the Sound. And about 10 minutes observing a bay. We travelled about 50 miles, on North Whidby Island and Fidalgo Island. Again, a paucity of raptors, including not one perched raptor or one raptor in the deep blue sky. We observed some typical gulls and crows. One Great blue Heron in the sky and one perched Kingfisher.
So is this just one of those days in which raptors do not take to the sky? I am starting to think that something is happening to the raptor population on Fidalgo and North Whidbey Island. Tommorow I will spend at least two hours in the field hawking in the Butler Flats of Skagit. I have only visited the area once and only for a drive around. I am expecting to observe goshawks. Be water- my friend.