Dear observers— I still have more to say concerning size, while birding and hawking, probably three more posts on the subject.
Today around noon I had a very quick look at a female NG as she was near the sun then into the sun. Sept. 6 2019. Location — Research Extension Center on Memorial Hwy, Mt. Vernon, WA. I clump this area with the Skagit Regional Airport. It is up to you on how you rate this area. I went to the Extension Center to gather info on roses. I carried my camera- not to photograph roses, but in order to capture a Goshawk.
Here are my sightings of NG in this area over the last fifteen years. At the airport— female doubles; doubles male and female; a male; a female that went to perch and perch again, then flew away. A female soaring over the highway. A female soaring over the Extension Center. And the female today, disappearing into the sun. All NG were in flight but not in migration.
My experience with a raptor that is in the sun — ninety per cent of the time this is what happens. I can move my position, I can wait- out the hawk, I can observe the areas all around the sun, I can block some of the sun with my hand or a brochure: but I will never see that hawk again!
Also discovered on the edge of the Extension Center — a scattered heap of bird feathers. NB.
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