Saturday, June 19, 2021

Dust-up over a photo

 Second title— Photos as related to bar charts.

On Whatbird— Title: Hawk; Lake George CO, Sept. Posted on June 19, 2021. The author: Kansa bird guy.

The photo was taken in Lake George in Sept. 2020.

Kansa bird guy is begging for the photo to be analyzed. I say, in other words, go by the bird, not by the book. Or in this case the photo, not the bar chart.

This subject is very emotional topic within my area of contemplation and mesmerizing. To me the wing structure does not nail the species or eliminate Red-tailed Hawk. However, I am leaning strongly toward Rough- legged Hawk. Because of the field marks of the wing. Be kind— Be water. I suggest the art- work on page 44. Hawks in Flight. Especially example (a) immature. Copyright 1988. NB