Monday, April 16, 2018

E- bird OJ Airline

Well, what do ya’ll think of e-bird and Cornell Labs now, now that they are trying to expunge information from your observation goals, of observing specific species of birds? So e-bird is going to squelch information of Gyr Falcons, Condors, and Eurasian Kestrels.

I will certainly post of my sightings of remarkable birds and birds such as Gyr Falcons. However, I will not post of possible nesting situations or actual nests.

Sometimes I wish to call the people at e-bird— The boys and girls at e-bird, and sometimes use the term— The boys and girls at Cornell Labs.

What is e-bird trying to prove? That they have higher values than do you? That they are the leaders of what is right and wrong?

Do you remember that airline that went beyond the implications of the functions of what is an airline, when they interjected and stuck their nose into the debate (there is no debate! And probably never will be!) on the proliferation and manufacting of guns and rifles? I say that airline stuck its neck out, and for what? The downside of their outcry would significantly outshine the benefits of their action.
What in the world would be the benefits of their action, more business, more travelers, more freight deliveries? How would that airline induce more people to travel— when the subject is about guns and murders by guns? What does that have to do with the operation of an airline? Oh, I get it now. If one airline outshines another airline, by showing more sympathy toward youngsters who were gunned down....
On the OJ trial— remember the glove? If the glove fit OJ what does that mean— signify?
What if the glove does not fit— that is not the converse of the glove fitting— the hand. In either case the glove is not significant! But if the glove does not fit! It certainly has a psychological impact. It shouldn’t but it certainly did. So the prosecution did not put weight on the two glove fitting outcomes.

The prosecution screwed up— as did the airline— as did e-bird and Cornell Labs!

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